
All you Need is Love: Jan Ryde

“Our Culture is What has Driven Our Success”: Semavi Yorgancılar

A happy team is key to success: Brad White

Driving Forward: Sven Damm

Diamonds are Forever: Nilesh Kothari

Cleaning up the Future: Michael Jones

Moving parts: Frank Konrad and Philipp Unterhalt

Sustainable by Nature: Gunther Schmidt

Working as One: Peter Tan

Gifted Wisdom: Fabian Morgan

Shape Shifter: Brad Scott

You Can Count On: Tim Goff

Vision for Precision: Joachim Himmelsbach

Shape the Future: Brent Noonan

Making a House a Home: Kock Sang Lau

Getting the Job Done: Henning Figge

Fired Up: Angus McDonald

Sleep on it: Tony Pearson

Executing Global Success: Andy Coster

The Magic Number: Howard Field

Perfect Fit: Fatih Konukoglu

A Sustainable Approach: Ioannis Georgoulis and Ken Fung

Inspiring The Business World