
Compounding Change: Arnel Santos

Pioneering Crop Protection: Dharnish G Shetty

The Clean Factor: Saw Lee Chyan

Keep Your Ion the Prize: Lotta Kellinghusen

Helping Build India: Vipin Agarwal

Infineum and Beyond: John Hong

Sustainable Chemistry: Anjani Prasad

A Year to Harvest: Ahmed Said Al Marhoubi

A Proud Legacy: Manoj Kumar Srivastava

Beyond Market Share: Ashish Dobhal

Chemistry of Progress: Prakash Raman

Becoming Circular: Timo Slawinski

Staying on top: Mujtaba Rahim

A Growth Mindset: Sean Spencer

Serving Indian Pharma: Mihir Shah

“We Walk the Talk when we Talk Green”: Pramod Chaudhari

Unifying Leadership: Tomiyuki Sawada

A protective layer: Lars Petersson

Room to Grow: Jürgen Herzog

Phoenix Rising: Tanfac Industries

Succeeding through Sustainability: Stephan Schnabel

Cleaning up chemicals: Frederic Dehon

Constant flux: Martin Stoemmer

Embracing Opportunity: Ali Mohammed Al-Asiri

Inspiring The Business World