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Wellness warriors: Golden Door

Achieving a state of wellness where the mind, body, and spirit are in complete harmony is a somewhat elusive dream for many. Life is becoming faster-paced, iPhones are permanently attached to our palms, and we are more often than not eating our meals mindlessly while on the go or in front of the TV. Finding the time, or indeed the motivation, to truly nurture ourselves both inside and out can seem like a pretty big task. We might commit to taking a yoga class once a week, to plugging into a ten-minute meditation app every now and then, or to cooking a healthy dinner each weeknight; however, it’s not always easy to stay on the bandwagon. We slip up and then we give up because it all seems too hard.

The Golden Door is here to help. Located in the picturesque Hunter Valley — a couple of hours drive north of Sydney — the live-in-style health retreat is all about kick-starting a healthy, holistic lifestyle.

The reasons for checking in are varied and many. Some people are looking to boot a bad habit, while others are hoping to achieve a greater sense of inner peace. I’m making the trip to test out the Corporate Wellness Program — a three-, five-, or seven-night stay to encourage change and establish new, healthy habits for a better life at work and at home. It can be tailored to individuals or groups of up to sixteen people, and is ideal for leaders needing to recharge.

After winding my way through the idyllic countryside — sprawling hills, rows of vineyards, and native vegetation — I arrive at the Golden Door’s wrought-iron gates and wait for my car to be let in. As I slowly drive up the steep mountain’s edge towards the reception centre, beige gravel crunching under my tyres, I think about how I am going to feel when I leave, after fully submitting to what the program has on offer. I’ll be eating well and not too much, exercising regularly, and re-training my brain for new habits — that’s got to have a noticeable impact, right?

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