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Rod Hook

CEO Rod Hook on how the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure SA is connecting South Australians to their transport needs.

The intricate ecosystem of a state’s transport and infrastructure is a precarious balancing act, but one which Rod Hook and his team overcome every day at the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure South Australia. As CEO, Rod has confidently led his team to deliver a variety of complex projects on time and on budget.

The CEO Magazine recently spoke to Rod about the future of South Australia and how his team is creating innovative solutions for the state’s upcoming transport and infrastructure needs.

“I have had a background of involvement both in the private sector and in the public sector in delivering major projects. That background led to me being asked to lead a major projects group in government in the infrastructure office. I then became deputy of the Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure while still delivering and focusing on the major projects. I was then asked to take over the job of chief executive of that department, which then became the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure.

As an agency, we have a reputation for delivering outcomes for South Australia. I think, as CEO, I lead an agency that is recognised for delivering good outcomes and making things happen. I try to make this agency the absolutely best place for people to work. I take pride in making things happen, delivering outcomes for the good of the state, and making this a great place to work for our staff. I want people to be proud that they are part of our agency.”

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