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Ray Creen

Commissioner and CEO Ray Creen discusses how the NSW Ambulance is delivering efficient and effective emergency care to residents across NSW.

As the population ages across New South Wales, emergency services are adapting to care for these shifting demographics. NSW Ambulance is engaging with its staff, reinforcing a patient-first mentality and ensuring the safety of all stakeholders.

The CEO Magazine met with Commissioner Ray Creen, Chief Executive, to discuss the NSW Ambulance journey. With his wealth of experience in the ambulance services of the UK and Australia, both on the frontline as a paramedic and in management roles, Ray has a unique perspective on what makes a great leader.

"“The ideal organisational leader would be one whose value-based leadership aligns with this vision of excellence in care. A great leader in the ambulance services is someone who is patient-centred and staff-focused."

"“A large proportion of my decisions are made based on the question ‘'What’s best for the patient and the service delivery that they require?’—' While also focusing on our people and what they need to be able to deliver a service to the patient safely and effectively."”

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