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Charlie McLeish

CEO of Pental Charlie McLeish discusses how Pental is manufacturing a strong future for itself through innovative strategies and operations.

With brands reaching over 100 years old, homecare and personal care manufacturer Pental has an impressive record of longevity and heritage in the Australian market. Charlie McLeish, CEO of Pental, recently spoke to The CEO Magazine about his plans for Pental as the 100-per-cent Australian-owned manufacturer competes in the tight local market.

“"Tasked to lead the company into new territory, my first priority as CEO was to make sure I took the entire team on the journey and that everyone was on board. We framed 2013-–2014 as a year of building on our base. Our sales team needed to focus on customer and channel plans, and the marketing team needed to live and breathe the three key priorities we had determined would take us where we needed to be." 

“"Equally important were our capital plans, which I quickly evaluated. As a manufacturing business, it was critical to ensure both our engineering and our operations teams were on track. As the CEO of a publicly listed company, I believe it is imperative that we deliver on our market and budget plans."

“"I needed to know everyone on the team understood our goals and that we were working cohesively towards them. It helped having our half-yearly results audited, and through this the team had a deeper understanding of what was required of them for the next six months."

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