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OzHarvest’s Ronni Kahn AO on her mission to lead a life of positive impact

Ronni Kahn AO is the kind of vivacious, compelling leader that everyone is drawn to. She describes herself in three words: Committed, passionate and resilient. CEO and Founder of OzHarvest, Ronni started the organisation in 2004 after seeing the volume of food that goes to waste in the hospitality industry. She has been changing lives ever since.

"I started OzHarvest to stop good food going to waste and get it to people in need," she says. "I always wanted it to be known as a ‘for impact’ organisation, rather than a charity or not-for-profit."

Today, the company operates around Australia and rescues more than 180 tonnes of food every week. It collects food from donors including commercial outlets such as supermarkets, restaurants, farmers and boardrooms and delivers it to more than 1,300 charities supporting people in need.

"Every day I’m looking for new ways to create a bigger impact and positive transformative outcomes for both people and the planet," she explains.

"I’m determined to raise awareness and change behaviour around food waste, the value of food and the basic right for each and every one of us to live a sustainable, healthy and nutritious life. This journey has enriched my own life beyond measure."

"Every day I’m looking for new ways to create a bigger impact and positive transformative outcomes for both people and the planet."

A believer in aligning what you do with your core values – "you will never work a day in your life" – Ronni has dedicated herself to making an impact. "We all have a role to play that is bigger than looking after ourselves," she explains. "The ripple effect of goodness and kindness that we can put out to the world is where you will find the biggest personal gains."

Ronni continually strives to be a collaborative, thoughtful and empowering team player. "There is nothing that I would ask any of my staff to do that I would not do myself," she says. "I have chosen amazing people to work around me, to inspire me to be the best I can."

This year, she returns to the judging panel of The CEO Magazine’s Executive of the Year Awards, where her energy and zeal will inspire everyone involved. "Acknowledging great leadership in every area of business is very powerful," she says. "Showcasing the best is inspiring."

Find out more about The CEO Magazine’s Executive of the Year Awards here.

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