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Jose Da Silva: “Adversity is an opportunity.”

When things don’t go his way in business, Jose Da Silva remains optimistic. He believes mistakes are an important part of the learning process, regardless of whether they’re made by himself or his team.

"Learn from your mistakes," he advises. "Adversity is an opportunity to grow, therefore when you make mistakes there are learning opportunities. When you apply these learnings into the future, well, you can only grow as a person and leader."

Having held various roles in the Wilson Group over the past eight years, Jose is now CEO Group Operations. He heads up a team of 9,000 people across the company’s Parking, Security, Medic One and Storage businesses.

Jose describes himself as a "strategic leader"; however, he credits his employees with being key to the Wilson Group’s success.

"I’m passionate about building teams that are focused and driven to execute on our growth goals," he says. "Our people drive our business forward, create the culture and execute our plans to deliver on our goals."

"I’m passionate about building teams that are focused and driven to execute on our growth goals."

Reflecting on his business achievements and milestones, Jose says there was one particular meeting that left a lasting impression.

"I was pitching an acquisition which I believed in strongly and was passionate about for the business. I was told, ‘If you want to buy it, you run it!’" he recalls. "This really focused me on owning your decisions, delivering on your commitments, learning from your mistakes and taking your opportunities."

As a previous finalist in The CEO Magazine’s Executive of the Year Awards, Jose is thrilled to join the esteemed judging panel this year.

"Having been nominated in 2014, I have firsthand experience in understanding the value of the Executive of the Year Awards," he says.

"It’s a prestigious event which not only recognises individual achievements, but also the teams and organisations behind them. It provides recognition for the hard work, effort and contribution of all involved, and is an opportunity to celebrate success and achievement."

Outside of work, Jose likes to unwind by spending time with his family, exercising and hitting the water on a jetski. He also ensures he takes the time each evening to look back on his day.

"I like to reflect on the elements that went well and those that did not," he explains. "It’s an opportunity to learn and then plan the way in which I will apply those learnings tomorrow."

Find out more about The CEO Magazine’s Executive of the Year Awards here.

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