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Is there still a place for social media non-believers?

In today’s technologically advanced society, it’s odd that there are still so many social media non-believers. You know the ones. We’ve all come across them… you may even be one of them.

Non-believers say things like: "Facebook is just for Gen Ys; I don’t use twitter because, why would anyone want to know what I ate for lunch?; Why would I put my details on LinkedIn? I get enough emails from people selling me stuff already."

You’re doing your business a disservice if you aren’t engaging with social media, because your competitors get it, are using it, and are taking your customers. It’s no longer a question of, should we use social media? Rather its, how well are we using it?

Top tips for being successful on social media:

Know your personal brand and voice

Social media works best for the CEOs who adopt a specific strategy. Think about what your personal brand stands for. The more you embody this and use social media in your own voice, the more powerful it will be for you.

Have a thick skin

Leaders who use social media can develop emotional connections with their followers. But it can, at times, also attract criticism. Leaders need to think carefully before responding to critical or fiery responses on social media.

Bullying does occur on social media. Whether it’s to a leader, business person, or politician, you need to have a thick skin and remove some of the emotion when responding on social media.

The positives outweigh the negatives

Although revealing more of yourself to the public sounds risky, CEOs who use social media effectively can neutralise criticism. If you are embracing social media and your strategy is about having a voice, sharing your voice and using it to create a two-way dialogue with people who matter to your organisation can make a significant difference to your reputation and credibility.

Maintain your social profile

Many CEOs will say, "I don’t have time to be on social media." But consumer and employee needs are changing, and they are expecting company leaders to be more present on social media. It’s important to remember that social media platforms need to be maintained. It’s just like starting a newsletter, it’s no use doing one or two and then forgetting about it. You need to be consistent.

If you’re going to use social media, it needs to be a reflection on who you are and why people should follow you. You need to fully engage with your communications team, and/or social media consultant so you have a personal touch.

Leaders not taking advantage of social media are the dinosaurs of modern business, so it’s time to take an open-minded look at the role of social media for your personal brand and business.

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