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What does your work mean to you?

The Leader Wellbeing Study will ask leaders, including senior managers and executives, to share their views on what makes their work worthwhile and satisfying, in particular, whether positive individual job behaviours – known as job crafting – can promote enhanced wellbeing and engagement.

The CEO Circle is conducting this study in partnership with The University of Melbourne and Melbourne Business School’s Asia Pacific Social Impact Centre, under the direction of Lead Researcher Dr Ben Neville.

Along with calls for more agile and flexible workplaces, many leaders are demanding a bigger say in defining what their work means to them. Job descriptions are now works-in-progress, with many people rewriting their roles to take into account their professional strengths and weaknesses. They are also taking heed of the need to integrate and harmonise their work and personal lives in ways that foster better physical and mental health outcomes.

As an organisation dedicated to the greater success of leaders, The CEO Circle is keen to help our members and others understand how they can maximise their potential for professional success and personal wellbeing, which is why the Circle is lending its support to this important study.

How you can help

We welcome you to help us in this undertaking by sharing your experiences in an anonymous survey that will be used to gather data for this study. You will be asked to complete a range of questions about your work experiences relating to motivation, passion and interests, wellbeing, and various positive job behaviours. The survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete. It is envisaged the results of this study will be used for developing work engagement and leader wellbeing programs.

Upon completion of the study, a summary article of the findings will be featured in The CEO Magazine later this year. The CEO Circle will also share the full findings on its website.

In recent years, industries, organisations and workplaces have all been subjected to major technological and economic disruptions. It’s all too easy to overlook the impact this dramatic change has had on individuals. As with any significant transformation, opportunity has walked hand in hand with adversity. Some leaders have been able to seize upon the chance to redefine their work role, while others have struggled to find meaning in the new work landscape.

We hope the Leader Wellbeing Study will be able to play a valuable part in improving our understanding of what makes work meaningful and how we can all find greater personal and professional success.

For more information on the study, please read the Plain Language Statement. The survey is now available for your participation.

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