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Building a successful team: Tips for creating strong company cultures

It’s well known that even with the greatest idea, product, or service, if you don’t have a good team then it’s all for nothing. Building a good team is more than just getting a group of successful and competent individuals together; there has to be a culture and bonding. According to Judy Reynolds, a business consultant and entrepreneur who has been helping companies with team building for many years, this distinction is important. "The answer to this question [of what makes a good team] lies in the distinction between a high-performing team or a team of high performers. The distinction is set in the culture and the leadership of the organisation, and how it promotes a sense of team, while at the same time valuing the individual."

The key, Judy says, to having high-performing teams is to create a good company culture. Good company cultures not only attract and retain good staff, but they encourage a sense of teamwork and camaraderie. Judy believes that creating a good company culture for teamwork can be done in six simple steps: the why, the vision, the values, the needs, the skills, and the walking the talk.

Step one: the why

The first step in Judy’s plan is working out why your organisation exists, and articulating its higher purpose to your staff. "It starts with the why," Judy says. "In the words of Simon Sinek; ‘people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.’" If you can make your staff realise the purpose of the company, then they will be more attracted to your organisation and more committed to their roles. Having all staff on the same page about the purpose of the company also helps bond them together in a cohesive unit.

Step two: the vision

The next step in creating a great company culture is having a vision for the future, and including staff in this vision. "What will the business look like in the future—say in six to nine years time and in terms of sales, profit, value, products, people, customers, locations, and the owners’ role?" Judy asks. "Having real clarity around the vision for the business means that it can be shared with the team in a passionate and articulate way." This, Judy says, also helps your staff to be engaged and passionate about their work.

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