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The mistakes that might destroy your career

Natural-born leaders don’t exist. They evolve over time, through ongoing learning, development and self-awareness. Every quality leader makes mistakes. It’s part of the journey. However, it is critical that leaders avoid the following mistakes, which have the potential to destroy their careers:

Not growing and developing

If you continue to use old-school management to lead in an evolving marketplace, your skills will become obsolete. Today technology, innovation and out-of-the-box problem-solving are fundamental factors in organisations remaining relevant. As a leader, it’s imperative that you continue to learn about progress in your industry. Challenge yourself by taking on new innovative projects. In a changing world, thinking long-term is the responsibility of every CEO and company director. The future presents incredible growth opportunities. But without progressive leadership, your organisation will struggle to capitalise on those opportunities.

Letting tunnel vision stop progress

In business, it can be challenging for leaders to see past their own experiences and knowledge. Leaders are mentors and provide team direction and counsel. It's also important to invest in receiving mentoring from others. Successful people never reach their goals alone.

"If I hadn’t had mentors, I wouldn’t be here today," says PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi. "I’m a product of great mentoring, great coaching."

The most successful leaders are pushing through barriers. A great mentor is there to challenge you, particularly your thinking. A mentor gives perspective, sparks new ideas and reins in your ego when needed.

Losing your self-control

Leaders get irritated too. It could be related to a team member or colleague making a costly mistake. Maybe there is a major situation that was avoidable. Keeping a level head, especially during stressful situations, is a key attribute of a good leader. An angry tirade or an emotional response will not solve the situation. And flying off the handle or talking badly about someone is bad for a leader’s reputation. It may destroy credibility. Leaders are the voice of reason.

Burning bridges

Always treat others with respect and be professional. Leaders are able to maintain relationships with people they don’t always see eye-to-eye with. There are always going to be people you don’t agree with; you’re always going to have to work with them. Your team watch how you act and treat people. How you treat others is a reflection of you. Maintaining healthy relationships is a skill that signifies a real professional.

The mistakes outlined are common problems in organisations, and self-awareness can be limited. Have you ever made one of these mistakes? Real leaders are self-aware. They focus on ongoing improvement. They hold themselves and their people accountable to a high standard. They concentrate on the future and capitalising on the opportunity it presents.

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