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Circle 7 is an inspiring alliance for the world’s top family offices

With hundreds of family offices peppered across the globe, Vera Boissier established an alliance to benefit the greater good.

Together with her partner, José Jobson Do Nascimento Arruda, they launched Circle 7 – an intrinsic network of family offices.

"The objective is to precisely build a community to help and assist a new generation to face these new challenges and changes in today’s world and address the big issues" Vera said. "We call ourselves family of affinity, and we’re very proud of that."

The Founder explained the importance of a prestigious network offered by Circle 7 at Sir Anthony Ritossa’s 11th Global Family Office Investment Summit in Monaco.

"We have members from really different parts of the world, and what is important is it’s a global community, but every family has its own roots and ties and they are very present and active in the local communities," she said. "Families can have a huge impact on their communities."

Reflecting on the COVID-19 pandemic, Vera believes the world can learn from it to create a better future.

"I think this crisis is an accelerator of more fundamental changes which are happening," she said. "We are definitely going into a deep transition period. It’s not only about economics, it’s about politics, social values, families – everything is shifting.

"Adaptability is really key in today’s world."

Having attended the prestigious summit, which is the world’s largest gathering of family wealth, Vera said it was an important opportunity to connect with like-minded people.

Adjusting to the modern world of virtual meetings may be practical during periods where people can’t be together, but the businesswoman doesn’t believe it’s sustainable in the long run.

"Technology is just amazing as it helps people to identify on the internet and bring together communities who have the same interests," she said. "However, you can only build deep relations by having meetings … after all, human beings are social animals."

It’s the simple concept of personal association that drove Vera to establish Circle 7 while also addressing important problems facing the world.

"Tech can help us act globally to build a common network." – Vera Boissier

Economic suffering, unemployment, a trade war between the US and China and changes arriving in line with the progression of AI are some of the future challenges to overcome.

"The pandemic has shown the problems are global and we have to collaborate to solve these big issues," she said.

As the economy and social values shift in line with the health crisis, the Circle 7 Founder said connection and being present with your family is the best way to face challenges.

Balancing the benefits technology creates in producing a global community while not forgetting about smaller, local communities is a concept that needs more attention.

"I think that is something very important that we have seen with this crisis," Vera said. "Tech can help us act globally to build a common network and, on the other side, we have to be very present locally and individually.

"What is important is to somehow not only redistribute the financial wealth but to act at another level. So often our family offices are playing in their own area."

Finding a deeper purpose rather than simply focusing on financial capitals is what Vera believes will drive family offices into the future.

"I think there is a new renaissance when people ask what the purpose is and they ask more fundamental questions," she said. "I call it authentic wealth."

Film by Olivier Ronot
Photos by Cyril Bailleul
Interview by Vanessa Eriksson

Inspiring The Business World